December 25, 2023

OneXPlayer’s X1 Handheld is Now in Indiegogo Pre-Launch

OneXPlayer's next device, the X1, has officially gone into its pre-launch state on Indiegogo!

This year, we have seen the handheld market flourish with unique designs, powerful specs, and great portability. This year, ONE-NETBOOK/OneXPlayer most recently released the OneXFly, a handheld that goes up against the ROG Ally and adds in faster memory, a lighter frame, and more ports. Now, it seems the company is going to be taking a bit of a different turn, and I am pretty excited to see what they are cooking.

Not too long ago, OneXPlayer’s X account posted about the next device they are working on, the OneXPlayer X1, and the pre-launch for it has officially gone live on Indiegogo. With the pre-launch now up, we are able to see a bit more of the device, the specs, and the features they are aiming for with this new handheld, though it does give off more of a tablet feel when looking at it.

The Intel Core Ultra 7 Processor

Probably the first thing I noticed when looking at the page was the processor/GPU they would be using for the OneXPlayer X1. Instead of the usual AMD Ryzen 7840U that we have seen the most in the highest-end handhelds, ONE-NETBOOK is opting for an Intel processor here. This processor will be paired with a next-gen ARC GPU and an independent AI acceleration engine. There aren’t many other details about the chip just yet, but I am definitely curious to see how Intel’s chips will pair with the handheld space.

The Giant 2.5K Resolution Screen

Next, I noticed the screen and everything that will be utilized with this. The 10.95-inch screen will boast a resolution of 2.5K, which is 2560×1440, and has a 120Hz refresh rate. It will also be using an LTPS display, which is an LCD screen, but should have great picture quality. This, coupled with the extremely fluid refresh rate, should make this a worthy display to be in competition with the best of the best out there.

Handheld, Laptop, and Tablet Modes

So far, we know this is a massive device that is going to primarily be used for gaming, but something I am interested in myself is the discussions on how versatile the machine will be. This big boy will have detachable controllers and support a magnetic keyboard, so it could become a regular handheld, a portable laptop, or even a tablet. The different modes the device has is quite interesting, and if the processor is powerful enough, I could see it surpassing the need for a laptop altogether.

That’s really all the information we can gather from the pre-launch, but this is still quite an intriguing device. I would consider it more akin to a tablet than a handheld, but the fact that it can be used as one, and is being marketed primarily as one is going to be interesting. There is no word just yet on when the device will be launched, but we will update you as we get more information on this. I do expect this to be a higher-priced device, but if they can somehow keep this below $1000 and it is more powerful than a 7840U, this could be a more digestible purchase at a higher price!

You can sign up for the latest updates directly on their Indiegogo page.

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Noah Kupetsky

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